NabaztagAPI beta 2 released

So I finally got on my lazy butt (I sit while I code, don’t you?) to finish coding the choreography stuffs. There’s a couple tiny bugs in my code, mostly having to do with sorting. I also need to finish up the metadata so the ASDocs are more useful.

Anyway, have at it…

Demo | Source | SWC

Apple, *PLEASE* Announce Flash on the iPhone at Macworld

I hope that this year there’s one more iPhone feature… Flash on the iPhone. There’s probably going to be an update on the SDK, and what better way to show their support to the developers by announcing that Adobe’s been using the SDK to write a native Flash Player plugin? The only way they could top that for me would be to include an AIR runtime beta 🙂

Anyway, if y’all are on Facebook, please join the Flash Player for iPhone! cause.

Nabaztag API for Actionscript 3!

I’m proud to announce my first open-source project. Webapper was kind enough to give us employees each a Nabaztag/tag Rabbit for Christmas. Being the tinkering developer types, we instantly wanted to start messing around with what the bunnies could do, so I wanted to write an application that would let me just send commands to the rabbit.

Of course, there was one closed-source AIR project out there that hasn’t been updated for Beta 3, so I decided to write an API the right way, from scratch.

You can visit the project at RIAForge, and you can view the sample application right on this site.

Nabaztag’s API server has a crossdomain.xml file, but it’s locked down tight, so I’ve included ColdFusion and PHP sample proxy files. podman in #coldfusion was kind enough to write the PHP proxy for me.

Right now the API is complete but untested. The Explorer sample application works, but currently does nothing for choreography. Completing those tasks, along with better commenting and metadata, are what’s in store for the 1.0 release!